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The Popularity and Benefits of Using Online Finance Services


Marketing, distribution, and customer service costs and capabilities have all changed significantly due to the Internet’s impact on the financial services industry. As a result of these modifications, new sorts of financial goods and services can now be created.

On the Internet, there has been some volume for more regulated and complex financial goods such as mortgages and insurance (estimated at $17Bn in mortgages and $400mm in insurance premiums in 2000). Adoption of online origination has been slower and more concentrated among startups than among long-standing firms in these industries.

The Internet’s involvement in online finance

When people discuss how the Internet will change the financial services industry, they typically emphasize how much money may be saved to do transactional business. These long-term cost savings can create substantial value for the firm.

Finally, many of these efficiency gains come at the sacrifice of consumer comfort. If consumers respond by utilizing more services, especially those that generate expenses but no revenue, there may be no significant reduction in overall costs. Previous developments in retail financial service delivery, such as automated teller machines, have proved this (ATMs). There is no better word to describe computers than “general purpose technology” (Brynjolfsson and Hitt, 2000). Bresnehan and Trajtenberg (1995). The majority of the economic value provided by general-purpose technologies is tied to their ability to enable complementary advancements in the organization, market structure, and products and services of Finance Hub UK Flat Roof.

Positive transformation is disruptive to an industry’s current structure, creating significant value redistribution across industry actors, producers, and customers (Tushman and Anderson, 1986; Bower and Christensen, 1995). Suppose you want to understand how the Internet has influenced financial services from Kredit Pintar pinjaman online work. In that case, you must first understand how the Internet influences the critical drivers of industry structure and how it allows or compels changes in products and services. Because it is impossible to distinguish between the influence of the Internet and other long-term industrial advances and exogenous influences, this will be a difficult assignment to complete. While it will be difficult to create precise numerical estimates of productivity effects, the direction and wide influence on productivity, profitability, and consumer surplus (consumer value) will frequently be clear .

We believe that three major problems will determine the future of financial retailing: Transparency refers to the ability of all market participants to determine the range of available pricing for financial instruments and services. When differentiating prices amongst groups of clients, it is necessary to make more nuanced differences, adjusting their rates according to the revenue streams they create, service costs, and profitability they generate; Through the process of disintermediation or bypass, the traditional roles of financial counselors, retail stockbrokers, and insurance agents are eliminated. Each of these elements will impact the roles that financial service providers will play, as well as their profit sources and strategies.

How is transparency preserved here?

However, the nature and magnitude of the effects of each of these issues will vary greatly across financial products. Due to the interdependence of these elements, differential pricing is an essential response to increased price transparency to prevent margin erosion. Similarly, incentives and distribution system structure may influence the ability to deliver sophisticated (but not complex) pricing strategies to clients. As a result, the remainder of the paper will investigate these repercussions in various financial services sectors. Credit cards, deposit banks, mortgages, brokerage, and insurance will be the subject of our investigation. We will also look at the secondary segments of the retail financial services industry.


Because of the Internet’s tremendous development, we have opted to focus on the retail sector. This is because the retail sector stands to benefit the most from lower customer engagement costs, the capacity to access mass markets, and the lessening of geography’s significance in deciding financial services providers’ strategic approaches. Before the Internet became commercially viable, there had already been significant computing and communications-enabled transformation in the relationships between banks or between banks and consumers of wholesale financial services (for example, brokerage houses and exchanges, or large firms and their commercial lenders).

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